Adventist Youth Society (AYS)

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Adventist Youth Society

A.Y. Mission – Salvation of youth through Jesus Christ. We understand youth ministry to be that work of the Church that is conducted for,with and by young people.

A.Y. Aim – The Advent message to all the world in my generation.

A.Y. Motto – The love of Christ constrains me.

A.Y. Pledge – Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active role in the Youth ministry of the Church, doing what I can to help others and to finish the work of the Gospel in all the world.

Adventist Youth Society Principles

The ADVENTIST YOUTH MINISTRY seeks to help youth share their gifts, grow in life skills, develop a positive self0image, overcome prejudices, develop respect for differences, serve those in need, become leaders in the Church, grow in relationships through fellowship, develop a personal spirituality and prayer life.

  • SHARE OUR FAITH: The GOAL is to save the youth who faces the battle against sin, striving to rescue more souls for the Kingdom of God.
  • GUIDE THE YOUTH INTO SERVICE: When the Youth come to Christ, our responsibility does not stop there. It is our job to help guide them on their walk with Christ.
  • TEACH THE YOUTH HOW TO WORK FOR THE CHURCH: It is not enough to tell them what God expects from them but we must teach them how to labor for Christ.
  • TEACH THE YOUTH TO WORK FOR OTHERS: We must train them and teach them about the discipline that God wants from us all. We must teach them the best methods of winning souls for Christ.
  • TEACH THE YOUTH TO HELP THE YOUTH: We must train them on their level the best methods to use when interacting with their peers.
  • We will reach out as a team effort helping to build up, encourage, teach and lead OUR youth. We will take an active part in the Youth Ministry of the Church, doing what we can to help others and to finish the work of the Gospel in the world.
  • Accountability and cooperation is key.
The AYS Department help youth guide youth in service as they grow in their relationship with Jesus; develop a deeper understanding of His will and intention for their lives; and experience a commitment to Jesus that will last a lifetime. Our purpose is to engage the youth in an exciting, meaningful relationship with God and each other.We plan various activities which foster fellowship for youth and young adults while allowing for participation in Sabbath morning services. We plan social, spiritual and outreach activities that engage the youth with other youth and within the community. We encourage the weekly participation in all Adventist Youth Society (AYS) meetings.
“Young men and women, God calls upon you to work for Him……..You can do a work that  those who minister in word and doctrine cannot do. You can reach a class whom the minister cannot affect” – Messages to Young People (p. 207)
Worship Schedule


Sabbath School: 9:15 a.m.

Main Worship Service: 11:00 a.m.

Adventist Youth Society (AYS):

Spring/Summer 7:00 p.m.

Fall/Winter        6:00 p.m.


Youth Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.

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